The Original IBM PC 5150 – the story of the world's most influential computer

This is the story of the first IBM PC – the computer that’s the original ancestor of one you probably still own. Today, nearly 40 years after its introduction, modern PC’s are used for everything from the kinds of business applications the system was originally designed for, to scientific work, to high-end gaming. But it all started back in 1981 with the IBM 5150.
If you’re looking for a more personal take on this computer, watch for my upcoming review of this IBM 5150!
If you want your own IBM PC, they’re not cheap but they are plentiful on Ebay, and I’d love it if you used my affiliate link:
Some credits for some of the images and other things used in this video:
buckling spring: By Shaddim – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Pet: By Photograph by Rama, Wikimedia Commons, Cc-by-sa-2.0-fr, CC BY-SA 2.0 fr,
Atari 400: Evan-Amos
Atari 800: Evan-Amos
TI 99/4 Tocchet22
Vic 20: Evan-Amos
Heathkit H88: Arthur G Korwin Piotrowski
CGA card: Malvineous
Datamaster ad: Adtari
PC ad(s): La Mazmorra Abandon
5120 ad: Adtari
5100 ad: Magdy Ragab
PC XT photo: Ruben de Rijcke:
PC AT photo: MBlairMartin
Model F AT: daedelus
PowerPC 601: Dirk Oppelt
Portable PC: Hubert Berberich
There You Go by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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Tag: máy tính ibm pc/xt 1983, computers, vintage computing, ibm, ibm pc, ibm 5150, early computing, retro computing, model f
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