Skills Invented by Football Players ● Zidane Roulette, Ronaldo Chop, Cruyff Turn and More!

Skills Invented by Football Players ● ‘’Zidane Roulette’’, ‘’Ronaldo Chop’’, ‘’Cruyff Turn’’ and More!
Song: Y&V – Lune
Tag: mcgeady spin, Football, Soccer, Legends, Football Player, Football player, Goal, Skill, Trick, Innovator, Invented, Zinedine Zidane, Cristiano Ronaldo, Chop, Johan Cruyff, Cruyff turn, Viral, History, Yannick Bolasie, Bolasie flick, McGeady spin, La Cuauhteminha, Garrincha, Garrincha Feint, Panenka, Dimitar Berbatov, Berba Spin, Ronaldo Da Lima
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