Microsoft Access 2007 Query tutorial in less than 4 minutes

Dr. Burton provides a short tutorial on how to set up a query with Query Wizard and Query Design in MS Access 2007.
I originally created this tutorial for my graduate students who needed a quick refresher on using Microsoft Access query functions for a major project.
If there is something else you would like to learn about Microsoft Access, Excel, Word, or Powerpoint, please let me know. I’ll be happy to make more short tutorials.
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Tag: microsoft access 2007, query, access, how to, tutorial, query wizard, ms access, ms access 2007 query tutorial, ms access tutorial, microsoft access (software), database (software genre), access query, query wizard in access, access tutorial, query in access, access query form, access tutorial queries, query in access database, query wizard in access 2007, access database tutorial, microsoft access tutorial, ms access for beginners, ms access query tutorial, ms access forms
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