Meta Keywords SEO: The Internet's Saddest Little Meta Tag

If you’re looking for more information on the meta keywords tag and how it relates to SEO, then this is the video for you. Get this exact walkthrough and ALL the resources mentioned in the video for free. Click here:
Today you’re gonna learn about the worst thing to happen to the internet, the meta keywords tag.
This tag sucks 🙂
We’re gonna talk a little bit about the meta keywords tag & SEO, why it’s terrible, why you shouldn’t use it.
At this point, I’m supposed to tell you to watch the whole video cause you’re going to learn some secret at the end.
It’s not true, the general rule is to just not use meta-keywords tags, but if you want to learn more about why you shouldn’t use them and what you should do instead, then go ahead and give it watch.
Ready to go? Then watch today’s video!
Want more? Get this exact walkthrough and ALL the resources mentioned in the video for free. Click here:
Tag: meta keywords, meta keywords seo, meta keywords, meta keyword, keyword meta tag, what are meta keywords, enable meta keywords, keywords meta tag, what are meta keywords?, how to add meta keywords, keywords tag, keywords, keyword tag
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