Video Formats, Codecs and Containers (Explained)

What is a video format? What about codecs and containers? How do they all work together? This video will teach you all the basics.
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Since the start of digital video in 1988, new video formats are developed every year in an attempt to provide improvements in quality, file size and video playback.
The popularity of video continues to grow rapidly, with 78% of people watching at least one digital video on one of their devices every single day; However video formats and how they work is still a subject of much confusion for most people.
Whether you need to convert your video file to play in a specific browser or device, or you’re an editor looking to build your knowledge on video formats in general, we’ll teach you the basics you need to understand video files and how to use them to your advantage.
In this video you’ll learn about the most popular formats, codecs and containers for the web today, which parts they consist of, and what format will be best for your situation.
Produced by Ad Astra Entertainment
Tag: mediacodec, video formats, codecs, video file containers
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