How to setup NAS with MI Home security camera to backup your videos in pc!!!

In this video i will show you how you can backup your mi security cameras video to your computer. You can also check this link for the same:-
•Please dont disable your firewall as it increases the security risks, it will work without disabling firewall.
•You have to enter the user name and password which you use to login to windows.
if there is no password set in your windows then just enter the username an leave password blank. 1:59
•when you enter username and password in mi home app and dont get the folder list then click on that mi security camera icon in background shown at : 2:05
and if you get that try again button then click it 3-4 times its a bug of mi home app
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Tag: mi home windows 10, mi, security, camera, NAS, backup, setup, windows10, server, hardrive, smartcamera, techinfo aa, techinnfoaa
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