How to fix This copy of Microsoft Office is not activated|Error code:0x4004F00D

How to fix This copy of Microsoft Office is not activated|Error code:0x4004F00D-This error is common as well as microsoft power point and excel, this error is occurred in windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1, windows 10 also.This activation process is also common for 2010, 2013, 2014 and 2016 also-I get the following error message while accessing the microsoft products:
This copy of Microsoft Office is not activated.
You have 29 days left to activate.Ensure you are connected to your corporate network to enable automatic activation.Your system administrator can help.
Error code:0x4004F00D
Activation Required
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016
This product is unlicensed.Connect to your corporate network or contact your system administrator for further assistance.
This product will not be activated.
1.First you can download the this software and this is also available in google.
2.Before activation turn off your protection status.
3.Be careful because it ask windows or office.sometimes this will cause errors while choosing windows.
Tag: microsoft office activation wizard là gì, How to, fix, This, copy, of, Microsoft, Office, is, not, activated, Error code:0x4004F00D
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