
Be careful not to use Autodesk Crack Codes like 666-69696969 or 484848484

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Our law firm is a national leader in the area of software audit defense. We have been helping small and large businesses respond to legal demand letters, contractual audits, internal audits, and software litigation.

Autodesk takes its intellectual property very serious (including products such as AutoCAD, Maya, Revit, 3ds max) and if your company is found to be using unlicensed software in your business, on company-owned computer laptops, PC’s. MAC and on servers, your company can face a federal court lawsuit for willful copyright infringement. Especially where crack codes are found to be installed. You can check this by looking at the serial number for copies of Autodesk products that you are running. If it says 666-6969669 or 484848484 or some variation, then you are running “hacked” software which can also violate the DMCA anti-circumvention laws (federal law). This can lead to unwanted liability for the company and its officers and directors (who can be held personally liable despite the “corporate veil.”


Autodesk Audit Survival Guide –

If you received an audit demand letter from the law firm of Donahue Fitzgerald, LLP, let us know, we can help.

Public service announcement – be careful not to illegally download Autodesk Autocad software especially using “crack-codes” that can lead to a copyright infringement audit.

Attorney Steve Vondran, the federal copyright lawyer explains problems with illegally downloading free software over the internet, especially using codes that may be provided on websites setup to attract software pirates.

Using these crack codes could lead to legal action against your company and force you to face a software licensing audit. Once you submit a worksheet disclosing the use of these crackcodes such as




or 066-66666666

The use of these numbers to download free software can lead you to a costly audit, a federal lawsuit, or worse yet, end up on a federal prosecutors desk seeking charges for criminal copyright infringement.

We can help protect your company if you are facing a BSA, SIIA, Autodesk, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, or Adobe audit. We have helped many companies stay in business and helped officers and directors avoid filing for bankruptcy or facing jail time. In most cases, we can get your case settled with confidentiality under FRE Rule 408.

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Tag: maya 2018 full crack, Autodesk, copyright, infringement, crack codes, willful, 150000, damages, lawsuit, reputation, piracy, criminal, jail, attorney, penalties, sofware, audit, CAD, Revit

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