Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018 New Features

A brief overview of the new features of Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018 (12.0.1) is presented by Kevin Monahan.
A review of the 12.0 features released in October 2017 is included, as well. Social media publishing options, with features for uploading videos with descriptions directly to YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook channels and playlists via Adobe Media Encoder are discussed.
For more info, see this link:
Feel free to leave questions and comments in the comments below.
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Join Kevin Monahan on the next edition of Editing Club for tips and tricks for video editors, motion graphics designers, and video effects creators. Submit ideas for tutorials in the comments section.
Find MIssion Creek Style and Melanie here!
Find Kevin here:
Mograph elements thanks to:
Rampant Design:
Archival Footage Courtesy of:
Prelinger Archives:
MacBook Pro:
Apple Display:
Apple Keyboard:
Apple Magic Mouse:
Apple Thunderbolt Cable:
G-RAID Drive:
Laptop Stand:
iPhone Stand:
Blue Yeti Microphone:
Vocalbeat Pop Filter:
JBL Speakers:
Sony Headphones:
Creative Cloud:
Kevin’s book on motion graphics:
Kevin co-authored this book:
Software Used for this video:
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Audition
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Spark
Telestream Screenflow
Epidemic Sound:
Subtitles are not yet attached. Stay tuned.
Kevin Monahan Bio:
Kevin Monahan has 20 years experience teaching editing and over 30 years of pro experience in editing and post, including at Apple and Pixar. Currently, Kevin is the manager of support for Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audition and others at Adobe and lives in San Francisco.
Kevin Monahan currently works in support for digital video and audio software for Adobe Corporation. however, opinions and views expressed in videos created by him are his own and have nothing to do with Adobe.
Tag: media encoder cc 2018, Adobe, AME, Encoding, Encode, Uploading, Upload, Features, video, editing, Premiere, Creative Cloud, CC2018, Media Encoder, Adobe Media Encoder, H.264, H.265, variable frame rate, VFR, social, media, publishing, social media, Premiere Pro, GIF, Apple, Mac, export, render, rendering, tips, new features, creative, cloud, channel, tricks, transcode, proxy, Peter McKinnon, kev_mon
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