
How To Make A USB Mic Sound Like A $2000 Studio Microphone

There are free plugins for OBS that can make your mic sound amazing. This is how you use them.

Check out the Elgato Wave Microphone (ad, duh) ►►





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MY Streaming Kit ►►


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USB Mic Showdown:
50 Twitch Tips and Tricks:
10 Biggest Do’s and Don’t’s of Twitch:
Twitch’s Success “Formula”:
Why Twitch Growth is (almost) Impossible:


Description tags, yo: condenser, blue yeti, hyperx quadcast, elgato wave

Thanks For Watching!

#Streaming #Gaming #Twitch

Tag: mic usb, Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, beginner, beginners, setup, widget, graphics, audio, review, mic, microphone, pc, usb, elgato, starting, new, Audio, Mic, Foam, Acoustic, Dynamic, Condenser, Compressor, Eq, elgato wave, wave 1, wave 3, hyperx, quadcast, blue, yeti

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