Deck Mermail Atlantean Post Eternity Code

Download Game (EDOPRO):
Intro: Megaman X4 Stage Start
The Strongest foe – YS THE OATH FELGHANA
A Searing Struggle – YS THE OATH FELGHANA
Valestein Castle – YS THE OATH FELGHANA
Analisis: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Tag Force 3 Opening, Yu-Gi-Oh GX Tag Force 5 Opening
Archivo YDK:
Deck Mermail Atlantean Post Eternity Code Master Rule 2020:
Monsters (29):
Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord
Mermail Abyssmegalo x3
Mermail Abyssteus x3
Lappis Dragon
Atlantean Dragoons x3
Aqua Spirit
Mermail Abysspike
Mermail Abyssmander
Mermail Abyssgunde
Atlantean Marksman
Deep Sea Minstrel x2
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x2
Deep Sea Diva x3
Atlantean Heavy Infantry x2
Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince x3
Fishborg Launcher
Spell (8):
Instant Fusion
One for One
Moray of Greed
Pot of Avarice x2
Deep Sea Aria x2
Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi
Trap (3):
Infinite Impermanence x3
Extra Deck (15):
Mudragon of the Swamp
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Ravenous Crocosaur Archetis
Borreload Savage Dragon
Adamancipator Risen – Dragite
Desert Locusts
True King of All Calamities
Bahamut Shark
Abyss Dweller
Toadally Awesome
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Marincess Coral Anemone
Mermail Abyssalacia
Crystron Halqifibrax
Bujinki Ahashima
Deck Mermail Atlantean
Mermail Atlantean
Mermail Atlantean 2020
Deck Mermail Atlantean YUGIOH
Deck Mermail Atlantean 2020
#DeckMermail #DeckAtlantean #EternityCode
Tag: mermail deck, deck mermail, deck atlantean, deck deep sea, mermail atlantean, deck traptrix, deck thunder dragon, deck rokket, deck guardragon, deck cyberse, deck salamangreat, mermail atlantean combos, deck dinosaur, deck nemesys, deck dragma
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