What is the Best Multi-tool for Every Day Carry – House of Blades

At the time of Filming Jan 2019 this is a list of my Absolute Favorite Every Day Carry EDC Multitools that I have owed or Tested so far! HOUSE OF BLADES
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Leatherman Surge Black:
Leatherman Surge:
Gerber Center Drive Black:
Gerber CenterDrive:
Gerber CenterDrive PLUS:
Leather SideKick:
Leather Wingman:
Leatherman Skeletool CX:
Leatherman MUT:
Victorinox Cadet:
Victorinox Classic SD:
Victoinox SwissTool:
Victorinox Swiss Champ:
Micro Multi-tools:
Gerber Dime Black:
Leatherman Squirt:
Leatherman Micra:
Leatherman Skeletool KB:
WAZOO Survival: (Wearable Survival Gear)
Butcher Box: (100% Premium Meat Delivered Monthly)
Canadian Preparedness: (Silky Saws & My Bug Out Roll)
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Tag: multi tool, My Absolute Favorite EDC Multi-tools – Every Day Carry
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