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Restoration broken phone Nokia 108 abandoned from water | After 6-year-old phone

Restoration broken phone Nokia 108 abandoned from water | After 6-year-old phone
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My son: Daddy! i seen one phone in the water pleas go to get it now.
Me: Thank you lovely son.
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Thank For Watching guys, Good Luck!
#restoration #abandonedphone #phonerestoration

Tag: nokia 108, Restoration, broken phone, Nokia 108, abandoned phone, 6-year-old phone, restore, restoration phone, old, phone, cell phone, old phone, phone restoration, mobile phone, restore phone, smartphone, mobile restoration, restoration phones, restore broken phone, broken, restoration old phone, restoration videos, phone old, cell phone restoration, repair, very old phone, restoring, damaged phone, nokia, abandoned, rebuild, old nokia, old nokia phone, 6-year-old, old cell phone

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