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Nitecore SC4 (Superb Charger Series) Review!

Here is Nitecore SC4 which the best charger they have which can tell you a lot about your battery with a touch of a button. You can control the mAh output to each cell for best cycle life or quickness when you need a battery right away. The screen on the charger is excellent! It is also fire resistant as well, which is a huge plus. This Superb Charger can be used as a power bank for emergencies so you can power something like a small lamp or charge you cell phone or similar device. This can be used as portable car charger with a car power adapter(sold separately). If you are interested in this charger you can click the link below plus using my discount code will save you $$!

(my special discount code:BRIDTEC10)

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Tag: nitecore sc4, inteligent charger, 4 bay charger, 2 bay charger, battery charger, NITECORE, Nitecore SC4, wealljuggleknives, advanced knife bro, Chiinnature, charles bridgtec, Charles BirdgTec, 18650, 14500, 16340, powerbank, car charger, fire proof charger, fire resistant, WOW,,, ohms resistance detection, ohms

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