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#1 Setting up Cocoapod, UIViewController and ViewModel – RxSwift MVVM Coordinator iOS App

Complete source code is available at
What can you expect in this episode?
1) This first episode is about setting up the ViewControllers and including the dependencies and getting ready to introduce Coordinator and ViewModel integration.
What can you expect in upcoming episodes?
1) Integration of HTTP Service
2) BehaviorRelay and PublishRelay
2) CombineLatest using Driver and Observable
3) Debounce, Throttle, DistinctUntilChange, Skip and more…
4) Transition between one coordinator to another
5) Passing data between view controllers using coordinators
6) Handling a blank spot in Coordinator where navigation controller delegate helps doing it
7) Router to handle Push, Pop and Present of UIViewController
8) CoreLocation and Real Time calculation of Distance to Airport
9) MapKit to show the location of chosen Airport

Tag: mvvm rxswift, mvvm swift, mvvm, mvvm coordinator swift, mvvm coordinator rxswift, xcode 11, rxswift mvvm, rxswift flatmap, rxswift, swift 5, swift 5 tutorial, swift 5.1, ios 13.3.1, ios 13.3, core location, core location swift 5, mapkit swift 5, mapkit swiftui, mapkit tutorial swift, ios development

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